Donated device journey and disclaimer

Donated devices journey


At our organization, we are committed to maximizing the positive impact of your donated devices. The majority of these devices will be sent to schools and families in need, enabling children to access remote learning opportunities. Before distribution, all donated devices undergo a thorough three-pass wipe to ensure that any prior personal data is irrecoverable, safeguarding your privacy and security.

Repair and Reuse:

We understand the importance of sustainability and reducing electronic waste. Whenever possible, damaged devices will be repaired for the same purpose, extending their useful life and minimizing their environmental footprint. Our skilled technicians will work diligently to breathe new life into these devices, making them functional and suitable for educational use.

Recycling and Resource Recovery:

In cases where a donated device is beyond repair or too old to be used effectively, we employ a responsible approach to recycling. The devices will be disassembled, and any salvageable parts will be repurposed to repair other devices that can be revitalized. We have partnered with SBS, an expert in recycling computers and their components, ensuring that the waste is handled responsibly and sustainably. The revenue generated from recycling the materials will be reinvested in our initiatives, contributing to the funding required to sustain our mission.

Device Sales Disclaimer:

While our primary goal is to support education and remote learning, there are specific instances where device sales may be necessary to cover operational funding costs. These sales will be limited to devices such as servers that are not suitable for remote learning purposes, or devices that do not support the required programs for home education. Any funds generated through these sales will be used to help maintain the operational continuity of our initiative.

Transparency and Beneficiary Focus:

We want to assure you that device sales will be the exception rather than the norm. The decision to sell devices will be made with careful consideration, keeping the best interests of our beneficiaries at heart. Rest assured that any actions taken will be for the benefit of those we aim to serve. Our commitment to transparency means we will always communicate openly about any such events and ensure that only a small proportion of donated devices are involved.