Jake Rae – Creative Digital Marketing Director


Jake brings a rich background in media and content creation to our team, serving as a key member ever since he became Colin’s neighbor. As the founder of Hight Media, a small but dynamic firm, Jake has been instrumental in shaping our organization’s visual identity. If you’ve ever watched any of our videos, it’s Jake skillfully operating the camera and lending his voice to convey our message. His creative expertise has significantly enhanced our communication efforts.

In addition to his media responsibilities, Jake actively contributes to the collection and delivery of devices to schools and children, showcasing his dedication to making a positive impact on our cause. Guided by a strong sense of doing what is right, Jake’s passion for philanthropy shines through in his contributions.

Although originally from Scotland, Jake has called England home since childhood, and his ability to effortlessly switch between accents reflects the adaptability and versatility he brings to our team. With his media prowess and unwavering commitment, Jake continues to be an invaluable asset in advancing our mission and reaching out to the communities we serve.